New games at the Erasmus project…

We develop three more sports for our project „START – activating and integrating people with disabilities through adapted traditional sports and games”. From Bulgaria – „The Holes – Yamichki”, from FYR of Macedonia – „Dzhamlija” and Bilye/Misket Oyunu (eng. Marble game) from Turkey.For several months we have been working intensively on the „Guide of adapted […]

Letter from Turkey…

Foundation of Health Social and Education in Soma operated several activities to adapt disadvantaged people to community in order to make them more effective in social life since its settlement in 1984 and it will continue as so. Again, for the elderly and those in need of care It will continue to do the same […]

Dzamija, Tas, Кизия – 3 Traditional games from 3 countries

Macedonia Name of the game: Dzamija (English) – Yamija (Macedonian) Basic rules: 2 teams, 5 people each The game is played at the rectangular field. You need 5 stones to construct a kind of a chapel (by putting one stone on another). This chapel is placed in the middle of the game’s field. Team 1 […]

The net ring ball – traditional sport from Poland, first used in the Project.

It’s a very interesting, dynamic and original game called The net ring ball (Polish name: Pierścieniówka). Underneath we put a brief description of this game: Origins of the game: Pierścieniówka derives from the observations made by Polish PE and gymnastics teacher Włodzimierz Robakowski who was watching Polish fishermen throwing buoyes through broken fishing nets at […]

„START” Erasmus+Sport project kick-off meeting in Bulgaria

24 of July in Kyustendil, Bulgaria the Erasmus+Sport project „START – activating and integrating people with disabilities through adapted traditional sports and games” has started with kick-off meeting.Main goals of the Project are: a) promotion of traditional sports and games (TSG) as valuable and innovative type of physical activity,b) social inclusion of people with disabilities […]