Kolejny etap projektu Erasmus+Sport „Osmosis”

Po krótkiej wizycie w Tallinnie dotarliśmy do Rygi stolicy Łotwy gdzie w ekspresowym tempie zespół STARTu przeprowadził w Łotewskim Komitecie Paraolimpijskim projektowe warsztaty szkoleniowe – „Wdrażanie pakietu narzędzi marketingowych na Łotwie”. W lipcu w Polsce zaplanowaliśmy spotkanie wszystkich partnerów z sześciu państw podsumowujące projekt.

The next phase of the Osmosis project. After visiting Tallinn we arrived by bus to Riga, the capital of Latvia where we were hosted by LPC – Latvian Paralympic Committee.
Training Workshops “Implementing of Marketing Tool Package in Latvia” with LPC – Latvijas Paralimpiskā Komiteja – project partner ; and START Association Poznań , Poland – project leader; Riga 27-29.04.2022 . Activities :
1) Seminar “Current state of the Osmosis project” in the headquarter of Latvian Paralympic Committee in Riga (Power Point presentations – analysis, tasks performed and planned , discussion . Overview of project activities).
2) Arrangement and accomplishing of Osmosis Open Event in Latvia – guidelines.
3) According to the project, our partners have received sets of Boccia balls, which they will use when organizing the upcoming Osmosis Open Event.
We would like to thanks Zane Skujina and her colleagues for warm welcome in Riga !
Erasmus+Sport Project “OSMOSIS – Harnessing the Power of Sports Marketing as an Innovative Approach to Increase Social Inclusion and Equal Opportunities for People with Disabilities” co-funded by the Erasmus+Programme of the European Union

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