Międzynarodowy projekt Erasmus+Sport „OSMOSIS” , którego Stowarzyszenie jest liderem przyspiesza po „covidowych” perturbacjach.

After a slowdown caused by the Coronavirus the Erasmus + “Osmosis” project accelerates.
Training Workshops “Implementing of Marketing Tool Package in Estonia” with EIL – Eesti Invaspordi Liit / Estonian Union of Sports for Disabled – project partner and START Association Poznań , Poland – project leader; Tallinn 25-27.04.2022
Activities :
1) Seminar “Current state of the Osmosis project” in the headquarter of Estonian Paralympic Committee in Tallinn. (Power Point presentations – analysis, tasks performed and planned , discussion . Overview of project activities).
2) Arrangement and accomplishing of Osmosis Open Event in Estonia – guidelines.
3) Preparation for promotional event “Social inclusion of able-bodied and people with disabilities through sport” – workshops, meetings with “ EIL” members – Boccia promotional games organized in cooperation with EIL – Eesti Invaspordi Liit ;
We would like to thanks Signe Falkenberg- EIL President for warm welcome in Tallin.
Erasmus+Sport Project “OSMOSIS – Harnessing the Power of Sports Marketing as an Innovative Approach to Increase Social Inclusion and Equal Opportunities for People with Disabilities” co-funded by the Erasmus+Programme of the European Union

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