Owocne pierwsze spotkanie partnerów projektu -teraz jesteśmy gotowi do realizacji zadań . Mieliśmy również okazję odwiedzić Specjalny Ośrodek Szkolno-Wychowawczy dla Dzieci Niewidomych w Owińskach.Wielkie dzięki dla trenera Wiesława Pawlaka !
Stowarzyszenie Sportowo-Rehabilitacyjne START jest beneficjentem kolejnego, dużego projektu w ramach programu Erasmus+Sport Unii Europejskiej p n.. „Dis+Abled SPORT”. Erasmus+Sport jest programem w dziedzinie edukacji, szkoleń, młodzieży i sportu.
Dis+Abled SPORT project Kick-off meeting 4 -7 November 2022, Poznan
Fruitful first meeting of project partners. Now we are ready to realise the project’s tasks. Also had great opportunity to visit the Special School and Educational Centre for Blind Children in Owińska.
Erasmus+ Sport: Collaborative Partnership project: “Dis+Abled SPORT” – sports and games designed to be played by people with physical & visual disabilities alongside with able-bodied; an innovative approach to increase Social Inclusion and Equal Opportunities in Sport. Project cofunded by the Erasmus+Programme of the European Union
General project assumption : to use a unique and innovative combination of sports for social inclusion and integration of people with physical and visual disabilities (PwD) with able-bodied people (AbP), by and through sports: – Paralympic sports, – traditional sports, – and others (Olympic, recreational sports etc). Specific Project objectives : to create a practical manual with 40-60 selected Paralympic, TSG and other sports from each Project Partners’ countrie, adapted to the needs of social inclusion of PwD and integration between them and AbP, to transfer knowledge through: – educational workshops, – promo-educational events.
Project leader:
Sports Rehabilitation Association START (SSR START), Poznań, Poland
Disabled Croatian Boccia Association (DCBA), Zagreb, Croatia
Sports Federation (CPCSF), Prague, Czech Republic
Cerebral Palsy Czech Amateur Sports Association Disboccia (A.S.D.Disboccia) Pinerolo, in Piedmont, Italy
Associated Partner:
European Traditional Sports and Games Association (ETSGA/AEJeST),